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Printing Date Format in Power Automate (Flows) I was trying to format print the date and found multiple ways to print Date perticularly Month for my requirements. please find various Month Format formatDateTime(triggerBody()?['Test_x0020_Date_x002F_Time'],'MM/dd/yyyy') Output 12 /11/2020 formatDateTime(triggerBody()?['Test_x0020_Date_x002F_Time'],'MMM/dd/yyyy') Output Dec /11/2020 formatDateTime(triggerBody()?['Test_x0020_Date_x002F_Time'],'MMM/dd/yyyy') Output December /11/2020 Surce https://sharepains.com/2018/11/12/formatdatetime-flow-power-automate/ The formatting options for formatDateTime, that you can use here are listed in the following table. Any of the format specifiers can be used in any kind of combination. FORMAT SPECIFIER DESCRIPTION EXAMPLES “d” The day of the month, from 1 through 31. More information: The “d” Custom Format Specifier . 2009-06-01T13:45:30 -> 1 2009-06-15T13:45:30 -...